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We've formed a great relationship with these small family-owned farms and we are blessed to have access to clean meat.

The Meat

Most of us are looking for a safe source for meat.  Buying meat from us, will give you and your family meat that is healthy and free of any alterations.  The cattle grazes on 55,000 acres of grass, free of pesticides. This cattle is born on this farm, which means they're not buying cows that are already vaccinated and selling the meat to you. 

The difference! 

The difference between buying from us and buying from a large farm is:  our beef is from one farm.  You won't get ground beef from a bunch of different cows, from different places.  ALL large farms are highly regulated and forced to vaccinate for something, sometimes many things, due to exposure in different areas.  Most do not keep all their cattle in one place, they keep them in different places and different places require different vaccines.

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